Thank you everyone for your positive feedback on ac-cep-tace.....We all want to be accepted, hopefully for who we are and not for the facade we sometimes put on. I am learning, slowly and sometimes painfully, that I need to accept the person I am, that I am the BEST that I am ever gonna be and that I can't please everyone.
On a lighter note....Rich read my blogs last night....he wants me to clear up something. My blog about things that make me crazy needs a footnote: Rich does not need viagra nor has he ever taken a viagra. Now, that I have cleared that up, I can go back to my marital bliss. LOL! I have however, seen him use the face cream...LOL! (sorry honey)
I had a really good topic for today that I thought about when I was in bed last night...but its lost in the great abyss of my brain for now. I guess I will have to take a pen and pad to bed with me. This memory thing is driving me crazy. I'll want to remember something and then I only get bits and pieces of it. I will remember the face of the person, the show they were in, the other people in the show with them, but the name of that person will not appear. The other day in a store I ran into somebody that apparently knew me and by the way she was talking, she knew me quite well. I couldn't even concentrate on what she was saying because all I was doing is thinking, ok now, does she work at my bank, did I work with her at Chilis, maybe a store, is she a neighbor, oh lordy, who the hell is she? I tried to carry on a nice conversation best I could, but we parted our ways and I still don't know who the heck she is. Bottom line, if I ever run into any of you in a store and I have a puzzled look on my face, I'm scanning my brain to try to figure out who you are. Oh the joys and pitfalls of menopause...Keep warm today....its a stay at home and stalk your friends on Facebook kind of you guys!
LOL. Poor Rich!