Monday, January 24, 2011

To shave or not to shave....

I was talking to a friend of mine lately and somehow the topic came around to shaving your legs.  She confessed to me that in the winter, she didn't shave her legs.  She said it kept her legs warmer.  I really didn't know what to say to that, but what I was thinking was...for crying out loud, how long is the hair on your legs anyway?  I have to admit, I have been known to let them go a few days without a trim, but I apparently am not that old, I still care about the curb appeal.  Maybe that is the last frontier to your youth.  I used to shave my legs every other day.  Is there an age, a number, where you just quit altogether?  Just in case, I am going to buy myself some knee socks.  Shaved or not shaved, at least you don't have to see them and you'll be warm.  Hair becomes a pretty dominant feature in a woman's and a man's life the older you get.  For women, the decline of our hormones signal, for some reason, the hair to sprout out of your chin.  I remember the first hair on my chin.  I was mortified and quickly tweezed it, thinking, there its gone, won't have to deal with that again.  Well, that was wrong.  I apparently made it mad and it brought friends.  Over the years I have had several treatments to rid myself of my little friends, but they always come back after so long.  I have accepted them and now it is just part of the ritual of getting ready for bed.  Rich and I both have magnifying glasses mounted on the wall by our sinks.  He takes care of his ears and nose and I take care of my chin.  All I know is that age brings wisdom and yes it also brings some other things that aren't so much fun, but it also brings a lifetime of memories.  I still have alot of life to live, but I am a work in progress. 


  1. if it makes you feel better I have a pesky chin hair I have to pluck every week or so :)

  2. Oh you're not alone~I've always had little hairs to pluck because of polycystic ovary syndrome. Sometimes it is a struggle to maintain our feminity, it just matters that we try!

  3. I thought afterwards that I should have posted under the "You know you're getting old when" you constantly are checking for black whiskers on the chin! lol Glad it's not just me and so far an occasional pluck takes care of it
