Sunday, January 16, 2011

The way we were...

I watched The Way We Were yesterday and it got me thinking.  Its so easy to dwell on what was, but what about what is?  How I am now is the BEST I am ever going to be, so why not make the most of this day.  Oh, I will still complain about it, but if you look at it like that, I'm actually better off than I thought.  I hope I will eventually get a real mixture of followers, some old, some young.  My purpose in writing this blog is to leave a diary of my thoughts for my grandkids to read someday.  I have learned alot of things in my life and I hope in a small way, I might help someone get through this maze of life.  Things I know for sure in life are the usual suspects.  Family is everything.  Friends will come and go in your life.  They will surprise you and dissappoint you and I have found that old friends are the lasting friendships in your life. 
   To all the young ladies out there, cherish your hormones.  I don't ever want to hear anyone complain about their period.  It is your crown, your fountain of youth.  It is the portal to creating life and it is your life blood of your youth.  I always thought age was something that happened to somebody else.  I kept it together pretty darn good for at least 55 yrs, but eventually my well ran dry and I do mean dry.  When your hormones leave you, it is like you actually dry up inside.  I wish I could put a funny spin on this, but I can't.  Its just the way it is.  I guess I could take hormonal supplements, but that scares me too.  It is the circle of life and has been going on for all of time.  It is just my turn now and even though I yearn for the way I was, I am determined to embrace the way I am now and make the most of my life.



  1. Love this, Becki. Just remember you may be saying the same thing to today's Becki in 20 years!

  2. What you have to say is so poignant~what can I say other than this honestly made me tear up...
