Sunday, February 6, 2011

Double Meanings....

I was thinking the other night, after somebody said a phrase I had heard many times before, how different that phrase means, now that I am older.  I decided it would be my next topic for the blog.  Here are a few double meaning phrases.

All nighter-
When you are young:  Bar hopping til dawn
When you are old:  Sleeping straight through the night without getting up to pee.

Letting off a little steam-
When you are young:  Partying with friends
When you are old:  Passing gas

Getting lucky-
When you are young:  Morning sex
When you are old:  Finding some money in your pocket

When you are young:  Anything that makes you look good
When you are old:  Anything that is comfortable

Snap, Crackle, Pop-
When you are young:  Rice Krispie Cereal
When you are old:  Getting up from a kneeling position

Sexy Underwear-
When you are young:  Thong
When you are old:  Doesn't exist

Full of it-
When you are young:  Ornery, free spirit
When you are old:  Constipation

Road Rage-
When you are young:  What you feel towards people that drive too slow
When you are old:  You are the cause of it

These are just a few of the double meanings that I could think of.  If any of you have some you would like to share, please leave them in the comment section.  A funny story that happened a few years ago on one of our cruises is pretty embarrassing, but I am a firm believer that if you can laugh at yourself, then nothing is that bad.  It was one of the formal nights on the cruise and we had finished our meal and was going up to one of the dessert buffets they had set up.  We were with some people that we had hooked up with on the ship.  I was in my cocktail dress and stiletto heels and feeling a little bit sexy.  I decided I wanted a little bit more of this one dessert, so I got up to go back to the buffet.  On my way there, I felt a sneeze coming on.  Not wanting to embarrass myself by sneezing, I tried to stop the sneeze.  Well, that was not one of my smarter things that I have ever done.  That sneeze had to go somewhere and it did...I passed gas.  I froze, I kept thinking, maybe nobody heard.  I slowly turned around to see Rich and the other couple laughing so hard they were crying.  I heard the guy say to Rich," Dude, did your wife just cut the cheese?"  There was a little waiter guy near by me and he was laughing too.  Well, ounce I started laughing, I couldn't stop either.  I figured all of us added a few years of life that night.  Laughing is good for the soul.  Moral to this story is, never hold in a sneeze and the phrase, "Letting off a little steam"  definitely had a double meaning that night.

1 comment:

  1. I remember after being taught a confusing accounting concept by Mr. Boyer, Steve Nifong said "I'm all screwed up" and Mr. Boyer sent him to the office--I for one was sitting there thinking "what did he say?"!
