Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Journey of the Traveling Jean....

Rich and I got married in 1972.  We were 19 years old, in love and ready to start our lives.  What we didn't have in material things, we made up for in love.  Rich was very smart and a very hard worker, so I never doubted that our dreams would come true.  The smartest thing we ever did, was wait to have children.  Over the next five years, we grew up and saved our money.  Rich's plan was to build our home himself.  We found a lot we loved in Plymouth and just as we were breaking ground, we also broke other unchartered territory.  I unexpectantly became pregnant.  We were so happy, but the timing was a little off.  I kept working at the bank and every night after work and on weekends, Rich would be at the lot building our home.  I helped as much as I could, but obviously, that wasn't much.  All our extra money was going into the house, so baby things were not bought in abundance.  I was quite a seamstress back then and I made almost all Regan's clothes.  I was so proud of her name.  I would embroider her name on the little jumpsuits I would make her.  Everyone loved her name.  I did splurge on one thing when she was a baby...a real pair of blue jeans.  I bought them right there in Bourbon at a little store there in town.  It wasn't in business very long, but I saw those little jeans and I had to have them.  I never dreamed when I put them on my little girl, that I would also put them on my grandchildren.  When Seth came along three years later, I put them on him and he wore them alot too.  After he outgrew them, I put them away.  I gave away alot of their clothes, but I also saved alot of their favorite outfit.  I wish I would have saved more of my clothes and Rich's clothes back then.  I would love to have my bell bottoms that I wore and I would love to have those plaid polyester bell bottoms that Rich had.  They were a brown plaid and I remember he had chunky heel platform shoes.  Oh yes, as hideous as that sounds, he looked hot in them....lol  I probably had my brown granny dress on too. 

   As much as times change, its good to know that somethings don't change.  A little pair of Maverick blue jeans, bought 34 years ago...stood the test of time and still have alot more traveling to do.l

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you decided to blog about this! Such a sweet and cool story.:)
