Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A different perspective...

I remember when I was in high school, I used to think my teachers were all old.  How funny that I call those same teachers my friends now here on Facebook and they don't seem old now at all.  Age gives you a whole new perspective on things.  For a very long time, I really didn't understand this "growing old thing".  I just never thought it would happen to me, I guess I thought somehow, I would stay the same.  My reality hit at about 55.  Menopause had ravaged my body and my mind and since then I have been trying to get aquainted with the new me.  You have to learn to not fight it, but not succumb to it either.  Embracing my time here on earth and enjoying my family is my main focus now.  I have to admit my 40th class reunion this year has made the vain side of me take notice.  Believe me, I will be doing all that I can to look the best that I can, but it is what it is and that's ok. 
    There is a lady on Ellen right now who says she is 60 yrs. old and that she runs 8 miles everyday.  I don't even like to drive my car 8 miles....just way to far.  I get a kick out of people that couldn't run to the mailbox.  They always say, " well good for you".  Yeah that is like saying, "are you insane, better you than me".   I know I should exercise more, but my energy level and my aches and pains bring me to reality real quick.  I joined LA Fitness this summer, but after a few weeks of going, I realized, that it was no fun.  I usually felt worse after I did it than before.  How is that possible?  I do like to walk, but the 90 degree heat and 80% humidity put an end to that too.  All those pounds I had hoped to lose this summer just never happened.  I temporarily lost them after the colonoscopy I had, but that was short lived.  I guess I filled my colon right back up. 
    So in is matter what stage you are in...if you are happy and have people that love you.  I realize now that health is can't buy it and all your things you have can't make you well.  So take care of yourself, find acceptance in yourself and the people around you.  Sometimes that's not easy, but it makes life so much more enjoyable.


  1. I think you and I must have the same "blog brain" because I posted one today too!LOL I don't like to work out either. If we had the money, I would try a spinning class or something, but then my fear sets in of looking stupid and panting like a crazy person in front of strangers.LOL I need to do something soon though, because I would "like" to enter my 40's in the best shape of my life.(Which should be easy, since I've never been "in" shape!LOL Keep enjoying life Becki!! We take the love with us when we leave this earth. The pounds we don't have to worry about.;-)
