Thursday, March 17, 2011

Signs of Spring....

As I was getting myself ready to enjoy this beautiful spring day and the high of 70 degrees, I realized, the first sign of spring had begun....I'm shaving my legs.  I even painted my toe nails and rubbed a deep moiturizer into my legs and feet.  I wonder if men do anything different for spring.  I think not...for them, they are good to go.  Women always spend more time on themselves in the spring and summer.  For one thing, we are showing more skin and for me, it is a chance for rebirth again.  Every where you look outside, you see life coming back to what once appeared dead.  That is how I feel.  The warmth of that first spring sun on me and that first walk in the forest, just brings new life to my body and soul.  I was in Walmart yesterday and the sights of spring are already coming out.  It was only a high of 57 yesterday, but while I was in there I saw a young man dressed for much warmer weather.  He had on droopy shorts and one of those tank tops with the arm holes that are open to the waist.  What a sight, he was quite overweight, so the exposed love handles was not a good look...if I would have had my camera I would have taken a picture and posted it on the Fashions of Walmart site.  Half the fun of going to Walmart is the people watching that is for sure.
   So many tragedies have occurred this week.  It really makes you count your blessings.  As tough as you think your life is, they are just daily struggles, no life and death situations face you and your loved ones.  I really cannot ever remember one particular country facing so many horrific catastrophes all at one time.  I even heard that a volcano also erupted this week and I saw that it also snowed too.  What else could go wrong for those poor people?  I pray that God will show them mercy...what his plan is, I surely don't know.  This is what tests your faith.  If these people can come back from this and be stronger and better than they were, than they are truly people of God.
    Sean is taking his nap right now, so I thought I would write a few thoughts down.  If anybody is still reading my blog, I sure would appreciate a word or two from you.  Writers like to know they have written something that somebody else feels is worth reading.  I am writing these blogs for my family and for my grandkids.  Someday I will put them in a book and maybe someday they can read them and think..."Boy, that Mimi was quite a lady, a little whacky, but she loved us!


  1. I love your blogs Becki. Thanks for sharing agin and Happy Spring!

  2. Keep writing is not important whoo is reading them only that it makes you feel good when you do it. Love you!

  3. I know what you mean, everyone who has a blog wonders if anyone reads them, but we do!

  4. Regan-I agree!
    I'm just getting around to reading this one, but I just cracked up laughing out loud in my office reading about your trip to Walmart! I may not read them right away, but I always read them. Thanks for the "sprinkles"
