Monday, April 29, 2013

So this is 60....

   Its been way too long since I wrote in my blog.  Turning 60 is one of the BIG birthdays in your life.  Its big for lots of reasons.  Its a big number....but it also reaffirms that you are really getting old.  For all you out there that are young and think that you will never get old....I am just here to tell you, that I was you, not that long ago.  For such a very long just don't seem to age.  I remember my 20's as being so hard.  We were having babies and building houses.  I hardly remember them, but I LOVED my 30's.  They were the BEST.  Every year, from here on out, just got better.  Sure there were ups and downs....but physically, things just got better.  Being 40 never bothered was no different than turning 30.  I didn't feel any different and I didn't look any different.  At this point I am thinking....this aging thing isn't so bad.  When I turned 50, it took me by surprise, because again....I didn't feel any different or really look any different.  Age in your middle years, doesn't seem to matter, but now that I am 60, I finally feel my age and look my age. My brick wall hit me at 55....its called menopause.  Every year since then....I have seen a difference.  For so long, you just seem to always be the same, but once you reach 60, you see yourself age.  Things that didn't hurt before, suddenly hurt.  We were all laughing about the commercials for Depends....Rich says alot of football players are doing commecials for them.  Seriously...if you need Depends, you aren't gonna care that much how they look, only THAT THEY WORK.  Someone I know said there is no excuse for not exercising and eating right and JUST DOING IT.  Well, when I was in my 40's...I said the same thing.  I eat better than I ever have, but exercising, is a personal thing to each person.   No one knows the pain and the energy level of that person and until you walk in their just can't pass judgement.  I have a really good friend who is in his 60's and he has really been exercising alot, so much in fact that he has hurt his knee.  Strenuous exercise is good, but when you push yourself too far, your body will let you know and you will have to pay for it for a long time.   You just don't bounce back like you use to.  It really sucks, but I think the whole aging process is just that....a PROCESS by which you are made to accept the fact that you are getting old.  My body maybe be aging, but my brain still remains young.  I am finding more comfort in the little things of life.  A good healthy meal and sitting outside or in our hot tub.  Traveling is still important to me...but I know that at some will just be too hard, so we will do alot of traveling the next 10 yrs.  I find that my family and my home are what bring me the most joy.  I'm looking forward to Rich retiring....I never thought I would say those words...and I am not sure what it will look like.  Rich has always been such a worker and so successful...I am sure he will find something else to do, but I don't think he will ever be able to leave it totally.  I just hope he can find a good balance and he can actually enjoy his retirement that he has earned.  I just want to be the BEST that I can be and do what I can to retain what I have and slow the process down.  I want to be around to hold my great grandchildren someday.  So I will laugh at myself more often,do the things that I have been wanting to do and  tell those I love that I love them more.  I will keep taking pictures and writing in my blog.  These are the things that will live on after I am gone.